Back to Square One StrategyPerformance:0.00%
Strategy equity: $70 604
Management fee:$7 per MIO
Risk score:4
Interview with Pierre-Marie
How long have you been trading? What did you begin with?
Since acquainting myself with financial markets back in 2006, so it’s been about 15 years. I began with currency trading. At the time, it was the quickest way to immerse oneself in the world of finance. I then gradually transitioned to stock markets, where I remain to this day.
Is asset trading your primary job?
Asset trading has always been a secondary income source. Nevertheless, my primary line of work is both directly and indirectly related to investments.
How would you summarize your analytical and investment career? What would you liken it to?
I’d compare my investment career to a roller coaster. It was a bumpy ride. Lots of ups and downs, especially at the beginning. Since then, it’s been a smooth road up.
How does your trading career relate to your personal life? What role does it play, what significance does it carry in general?
Stock markets have become an inalienable part of my life. As my primary job requires my constant presence in the market, I dedicate most of the day to looking for and studying new opportunities in the market. It definitely has an impact on my personal life. Having an ever-growing financial cushion affords me security and confidence going forward.
What are your favourite investment instruments?
I generally invest in overseas stocks, most of them in American markets.
What types of analysis do you use in your trading strategies?
As I see it, no less than a combination of all analysis types can render a positive, stable, long-term outcome. I’d therefore describe my analysis style as a sort of combined approach, or a combination of fundamental factors and a technical picture based on whatever the current situation is.
Can you recall your highlight trade?
My purchase of TVIX stocks at the beginning of 2020. My timing was off as the share price revolved around $193. But that didn’t throw me off one bit, for by mid-March, its value hit $1000.
In your view, how important is psychology in investing? Do you use any psychological tactics when trading?
If you invest, especially in financial markets, psychology is definitely important and, in my opinion, determines 90% of success. I don’t have a specific tactic in the classical/typical sense of the word; I simply rely on my 15 years of experience to inform my decisions. Throughout that time, I made a lot of errors that contributed to the formation of my trading intuition.
How do you see the financial market today? How do you see its prospects for future development?
Financial markets are currently experiencing a transformation. The world is rapidly digitizing, and that applies to trade. Young people are choosing new platforms like Robinhood that are rewriting the rules. The rules and norms of 30 or 50 years ago that applied when selecting assets for one’s portfolio no longer work. The market is shapeshifting. Ahead of us is the transition from fiat money to digital currency, with blockchain technology increasingly making its way into different industries. 0% interest policies and infinite monetary expansion, which have been going on for over 10 years, will, in my view, lead to an economic paradigm shift. It remains to be seen what will come of it in the end. I’m nevertheless sure opportunities for investments and capital expansion will only increase.
Name three important qualities to invest successfully in the financial market.
Emotional control, patience and the ability to acknowledge mistakes.
What would you tell or advise novice investors who mirror your trading strategies?
I would advise novice investors to take time out of each day to study the market and gradually understand how it works. They can take a course by experienced and successful investors. If you’re currently mirroring a strategy, take the time to independently learn why a certain transaction was performed. This will aid the transition to independent actions in financial markets.